Pet Wellness Care

Central Valley Animal Hospital’s wellness care program for dogs and cats includes physical examinations performed by our highly trained veterinarians and tailored vaccinations to combat contagious diseases.

Pet Wellness Care

We tailor treatment plans to your pet’s unique needs, considering factors like breed, health status, lifestyle, and vaccination history. Our wellness care involves thorough physical exams, parasite screenings, vaccinations, dietary assessments, and blood tests if needed. We also closely monitor your pet’s weight to suggest diet or exercise adjustments if necessary, as maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for their longevity and well-being.


Regular wellness exams are vital for your dog’s health, offering the best chance for a long and happy life. At Central Valley Animal Hospital, our annual wellness exams provide an excellent opportunity for discussions about your dog’s health concerns, including nutrition, allergies, dental care, mobility, infection risks, and lifestyle changes.

Our veterinary team prioritizes open communication to address any issues early and tailor a proactive healthcare plan for your dog’s specific needs, ensuring their ongoing vitality and well-being.

happy dog outside

During your dog’s wellness exam, our veterinarians will:

  • Obtain a medical history and check your dog’s vital signs
  • Record your dog’s weight
  • Perform a complete physical examination
  • Perform a dental evaluation
  • Protect your dog from infectious diseases through the judicious use of vaccines based on the age, health, and environment of your dog
  • Screen for the presence of parasites in blood and stool
  • Recommend safe medications to eradicate parasites
  • Discuss your dog’s nutritional needs and any behavioral issues
  • Test your dog for heartworm disease
  • Recommend heartworm and flea/tick preventatives

We Tailor Vaccinations to the Needs of Your Dog

Vaccinations keep your dog healthy by preventing potentially serious diseases. Each dog’s lifestyle needs special attention and consideration during immunization. At Central Valley Animal Hospital, our wellness care programs are tailored specifically for your pet.

a cat lying on a cardboard box


We Provide Comprehensive Wellness Exams

During your cat’s wellness exam, our veterinarians will:

  • Obtain a medical history
  • Check your cat’s vital signs
  • Record your cat’s weight
  • Perform a complete physical examination
  • Perform a dental evaluation
  • Protection from infectious diseases through judicious use of vaccines based on the age, health, and environment of your cat
    Screen for the presence of parasites in blood and stool
  • Recommend safe medications to eradicate parasites
  • Recommend heartworm and flea/tick preventatives

We Tailor Vaccinations to the Needs of Your Cat

​Vaccinations keep your cat healthy by preventing potentially serious diseases. When it comes to vaccination protocols, every cat’s lifestyle needs special attention and consideration. At Central Valley Animal Hospital, our wellness care programs are tailored specifically for your pet.

Preparing Your Cat for Their Visit

For your cat’s safety, they should be transported in a secure carrier. Help your cat become comfortable with the carrier during the days prior to their appointment by placing it in a room where they spend a lot of time. Adding familiar objects such as soft bedding and placing treats, catnip, or toys inside the carrier will decrease their anxiety and help your cat to relax. Note that it could take days or weeks for your cat to get used to the carrier. If your cat is especially anxious during the car ride, you may want to cover the carrier with a blanket or towel. Some cats like to see what’s happening, but others prefer when the carrier is covered. See which option your cat likes best by placing them inside the carrier while transporting them around the house, covered and uncovered.